Camino Day 15: Belorado to Ages

Date: April 15th, 2022

Distance: 27.6 km/17 miles

Time: 7:30-3:30 (8 hours)

Are you ready to read a blog post about me singing and frolicking along the Camino? You’re in luck… today is FINALLY that day. The turning point I’ve been waiting for. The day when the physical aches and pains (achilles, knees, shoulders) have mostly faded into the background and the marathon distance (literally) feels normal and doable. Enjoyable even. It took a while to get to this point, but here I am.

I was in a stellar mood this morning. It was the first day we were sending our heavy backpacks to our next destination, so I was just carrying a small backpack. We took off feeling light and zoomy, and this made a big difference throughout the day. Best 5 euros I’ve ever spent.

Iris and I started our walk singing her cafe con leeeeche song until we did finally get that cafe con leche buzz. At the cafe, we ran into our friend Daphe. And a British friend. And the Australian couple. And the Irish men we had shared their chips with us. And this person. And that person. This is how every stop was today… like a big, multicultural family reunion. Upbeat greetings and exchanges of updates.

Today was the kind of day where you have an 11am Camino beer at your lunch stop, because you already walked 12 km and you earned it. Glorious.

Today’s walk was off the highway and away from the sound of cars, which was welcomed. A tree lined trail with the sound of birds singing (and me, if you were in earshot). Conversations with new friends.

I got an afternoon burst of energy, speed walking to my Camino playlist those last 2 hours, past pilgrims herding cows into a field, and right in Ages, where I had some time to chill.

I can’t believe April is halfway over. I can’t believe I’ve been on the Camino for FIFTEEN days. In a strange way, it feels like this experience has been years of my life and simultaneously like I just started.

Now I’m in the top bunk trying to finish this post. Iris below me. Both of us are covering our mouths and supressing our laughter (not well) at the sleeping man in the other bunk who is making some strange moaning/snoring sounds. Wouldn’t change it. Life is peachy.


  1. Aubrey | 17th Apr 22

    Picturing you singing as your walking makes me smile 😊 So glad you feel a turning point in terms of pain!

  2. Emily Andreoli | 27th Apr 22

    I need to hear this cafe con leche song! Miss you guys!

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