Witness in Lisboa- A Poem

Today is the day

that I wandered cobblestone streets in Lisbon

sat outside

glass of white wine


Today is the day I bought


sliced cheese


stroopwafels, of course

sat outside the grocery store


bearing witness to small moments:

a baby’s uncoordinated hand patting a dog under the table

a mom’s adoring smile

a woman sprinkling tobacco, rolling her cigarette, lighting up

a reassuring hand on a lover’s back

a man wandering out of the store,

a silk change purse in his hands

I know it’s from Thailand, I have the same one.

I’d recognize those embroidered gold elephants anywhere

even on cobblestone streets in Lisbon

And I realized it doesn’t take much

for me to feel

connected and content.

It’s simple, really

Just sit and see.