You are bones, facts, and information
I am tendons, feelings, and emotions
You are led by logic of the brain
I am guided by wisdom of the heart
Where you are fiery intellect
I am cooling intuition
In your world, nothing is a miracle
as there is explanation for everything
In my world, everything is a miracle
as the universe works in mysterious ways
You are solid, like a rock
I am flowy, like a river
I turn my face to the moon and whisper prayers into the wind
You put your hands deep into Earth and guide seeds into being
Where you contract, I expand.
Where I wither, you rise up
I sit to soften
You strive to toughen
You wonder how much you can know
I wonder how much I can let go
You are everything I am not
I am everything you are not
Contrary and complementary
We are
Yin and Yang
Written in Guadalajara, Mexico