Why I Quit Teaching

I did a big thing… I resigned from my teaching job.

I have had 8 amazing years in the classroom. My job has allowed me to travel, live & teach all over the world- India, Thailand, Egypt, Mexico.

Something shifted for me during co-vid. A year of elearning was demanding and soul crushing. I lost my spark and passion for teaching.

I thought coming back to the classroom (in person) in August after a year of elearning would ignite that spark again.

It did not. Instead, teachers got even MORE put on their plates. Juggling actual kids and online kids, so much testing to make up for the year before, teaching with masks on all day, abominable classroom behavior and social emotional skills- on top of what we already do. For a year and a half, I’ve been fucking exhausted, stressed, overworked, and I’m done.

We all have our limits, and I reached mine. It’s time to put my mental, emotional, and physical well-being first.

I no longer want a job that squeezes the life from me, asks everything of me. I no longer want a job that congratulates and praises staff for extra hours and overexertion at the expense of balance and sanity.

Next week will be my last week as a classroom teacher, at least for now.

I’ve been very open & transparent about my decision with my admin and coworkers. Over the past week, I’ve had so many honest conversations with teachers at my school (and elsewhere) who are feeling the same way I am. It’s validating, yet sad. Teachers are struggling right now.

To all the teachers out there- I see you, I love you, and I value everything you do. I know it’s so, so hard.

The days leading up my final decision were hard too- sad, heavy, emotional. Leaving mid year is far from ideal, but in the end, life is short and 6 months is too long to do something that isn’t bringing you joy.

Now that I’ve made the decision, I feel so much RELIEF. EXCITEMENT. FREEDOM. I know with 100% certainty it was the right choice for me.

I don’t know what’s next. I’ll be moving back to Colorado in January and taking time for myself. I know this is what I need, and trust that the universe has a very divine plan for me.

In more ways than one… I am coming home. ✨

Originally published on December 11th, 2021- view the original instagram post here.


  1. Kailee Miller | 17th Mar 22

    As a teacher who also struggled through elearning I completely understand what you have been through. So much respect for putting yourself first! Welcome home 🙂

  2. Maddie | 18th Mar 22

    I can’t wait for my time to come. I felt this in my soul. I’m tired of “living for breaks”. The most free that I have ever felt was on the Camino, enjoy the journey- and the magic!

  3. Aubrey | 5th Apr 22

    “Leaving mid year is far from ideal, but in the end, life is short and 6 months is too long to do something that isn’t bringing you joy.” CHILLS. TRUTH. So proud of you for putting yourself first! Can’t wait to see what’s in store next for us career wise and location wise. So lucky to have you to talk to while we both leave the teaching profession and journey into the unknown.

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